This page describes the procedure for adult members. For Junior Members click here.
If you have identified a lineage from a Mayflower passenger to you, and have some evidence that it is correct, we invite you to proceed with a Preliminary Application Form. To make your application process as efficient as possible, and reduce the potential of unnecessary expense we recommend waiting until you receive your personalized worksheet and instruction guide before obtaining additional documentation.
Your application goes through a process on the journey for you to become a member. The average time for candidates is eleven months, but it can be as short as six from this office's receipt of your application to your being mailed the acceptance of your membership.
First you obtain your preliminary application form. It can be mailed to you, emailed to you, or downloaded from this website. Fill it out completely and return it with a check for the appropriate amount for the options you have chosen for membership. Don't forget to sign the application. Please do not submit documentation at this stage.
During the application process, the Historian will return a worksheet that details what is known about your lineage after researching in our library and membership files in the Massachusetts Society, and the General Society. If further primary documentation is needed, there will be bolded comment in the references section of the worksheet. This indicates that you will need to provide more documents to support that claim (of birth, marriage, or death).
This is the time when you will personally research any gaps remaining on your application. When you are ready to return your documentation to support the items in bold, you do not need to send in a copy of the worksheet as we will have one here. Your documents should be downloaded or scanned as jpg images. If you do not have this capability, most office supply locations will convert your high-quality printed documents for you. Work with your Historian for the best means of submitting these jps images (this may included Dropbox or other file transfer platform). Be sure to notify the Historian that you have uploaded images.
The Historian will review all the documents you have supplied. If further documentation is needed, the Historian will email a revised worksheet with the remaining issues highlighted. There may be an explanation of the different steps you can take to solve the problem areas. Please feel free to call or email with any questions you might have (anytime during this process).
Once all the documentation has been received to the satisfaction of the Historian, you will be emailed a copy of your "final" application form. At this point you are allowed to jump up and down for a few minutes of course keeping your fingers crossed. Do review the document one last time to make sure there are no typographical errors. If you find one, on a separate piece of paper, (do not write on these final forms other than your signature), write out the correction you feel needs to be made and the Historian will deal with it when your final papers are returned. Include any fees outstanding as noted on the letter accompanying your final application.
When your final application is returned, it will be forwarded to the Historian General in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the application will be reviewed one last time. The Historian General has the final say over what is approved.
When it is approved and returned to the office, our Historian will mail you a certificate, a membership card, and a copy of your final application as approved by the Historian General. Congratulations!