
New Hampshire Historical Society Library
30 Park St.
Concord NH 03301

This is the largest genealogical library in the state. There is a fee for non-member (except full-time students). The printed collection covers New England, but the focus is New Hampshire with over 200 original church books and large holding of N.H. newspapers. Their catalog is online.



New Hampshire State Library
20 Park St.
Concord NH 03301

This library is next to the historical society. It holds all the state-produced publications and well as the typescripts of pre-1850 N.H. town records with master index (except for Exeter), county court records, and 20 th century N.H. newspapers. They have full-text access to some magazines and newspapers. Their catalog is online.



Baker-Berry Library
6025 Baker-Berry Library
Hanover NH 03755

Though not readily identifiable from the website, this library has an extensive collection of published sources on the Upper Valley (both Vt. and N.H.) including cemetery transcriptions and genealogical resources. This is supplemented by an academic library’s reference holdings and online access material. The library catalog is accessed from the top of the library’s website. Realize that there is no staff support for genealogical research.



Historical Society of Cheshire County
246 Main St., PO Box 803
Keene NH 03431

The library focuses on Cheshire county history with many published and manuscript sources. The library holds the early records of some county towns and churches, as well as Cheshire County probate. There is a good collection of locally published newspapers. There are finding aids on the library website for non-published material.



American-French Genealogical Society
4 Elm St., PO Box 6478
Manchester NH 03109

This is a specialty library focusing solely on the French Canadians who moved south into New England. The library has the digitized version of the Drouin Collection and many repetoires of the New England states Catholic churches. On microfilm, they have the vital records of New Hampshire to 1900, Vermont to 1908, and Massachusetts to 1905. They have the Loiselle file of Quebec marriages and the Moncton file (contain church records of Westmorland and Kent Counties, N.B., and Charlesvoix Co., Que., to 1908.


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