Scholarly Journals Accepted for Mayflower Research

It is sometimes possible to utilize published sources or problem-solving articles without consulting the original sources yourself. The purpose of scholarly journals is to analyze difficult problems, review the evidence, and present a solid conclusion and publish source material to a wider audience. The key to this in the modern (i.e. since 1980s) sense is the heavy use of citations (whether endnotes, footnotes, or embedded). Below is a list of journals deemed of high quality that can be used in your effort to document your Mayflower lineage. This is not an exclusive list, but the ones more commonly seen.

* The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (1847-present) #

* Essex Institute Historical Collections (1869-present) #

* The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (1870-present) #

* The Narraganset Historical Register (1882-1891)

* The Bangor Historical Magazine (1885-1894)

* Genealogical Quarterly Magazine (var. titles) (1890-1917)

* The Essex Antiquarian (1897-1909)

* The Genealogical Advertiser (1898-1901)

* The Mayflower Descendant (1899-1937, 1985-present) #

* The New Hampshire Genealogical Record (1903-1910, 1990-present)

* National Genealogical Society Quarterly (1912-present)

* The American Genealogist (1923-present) #

* Early Settlers of New York State (1932-1942) [source material only]

* The Mayflower Quarterly (1935-present)

* Connecticut Nutmegger (1969-present) #

* Branches & Twigs (1972-1995) [source material only] & Vermont Genealogy (1996-present) #

* Rhode Island Roots (1975-present)

* The Maine Seine (1978-1983) and The Maine Genealogist (1984-present)

* The Genealogist (1980-present)

All these journals will have annual name indexes. The ones noted with "#" have consolidated name indexes in some form. For a subject index, the best is the Periodical Source Index (PERSI). Over the past 30 years the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) Genealogy Center has created more than 2.5 million searchable index entries in the Periodical Source Index (PERSI), indexing every article from more than 8,000 different periodicals, including magazines, newsletters and journals, by location, topic, surname, ethnicity and methodology. ACPL is now partering with to enhance PERSI by linking index entries with their corresponding articles. Check for updates.

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