1. GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN, age 36, born in Manchester, NH in 1860, son of George Augustus and Ernestine (Lord) Bowman, was brother of incorporator Austin Lord Bowman, second cousin to incorporators Arthur Payson Dana, Nathaniel Upham Walker and Charles P. Clark Jr. and first cousin once removed to incorporators Edward Lord Clark and Charles P. Clark Sr., all of whom were descendants of Pilgrim William Brewster through the Lord family. George's father, a graduate of Bowdoin College and Princeton Theological Seminary, was a Congregational minister at Kennebunkport, Maine, New York City, Manchester, New Hampshire, and South Windsor, Connecticut. He also served as a member of the Connecticut legislature. George Ernest's mother was the daughter of Charles Austin Lord, also a graduate of Bowdoin, a professor of languages at Marion College in Missouri, and later the editor of the religious paper Christian Mirror. He was active in the formation of the first Temperance Society in New York City and served as superintendent of schools for the state of Maine.
George's older sister, Caroline North Bowman, was born in 1856 at Portland and married William Dwight Parkinson, son of the Rev. Royal Parkinson. Mrs. Parkinson and her three sons, Dana, Herman and Royal, all became members of the Mayflower Society, and several descendants are still members. His brother, Austin Lord Bowman, was incorporator number 27 (see below).
George Ernest Bowman was the product of a highly academic background, deeply influenced by religion and temperance. He graduated from Hartford Public School and went on to Yale, graduating with his brother Austin in the class of 1883, and receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree. George tried private tutoring in Farmington, Connecticut, and teaching at a day school in Plainfield, New Jersey, but in 1886 he joined D.C. Heath & Company, publishers of school books and came to Boston. In 1892 he changed to the insurance business as an agent for Hartford Life and Annuity, which he left in 1896 to pursue "historical researches."
Bowman's interest in genealogy apparently began shortly after his graduation from Yale. In 1895 he became one of the founders of the Boston chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, serving as its first secretary and second president. He also belonged, during his lifetime, to the Society of Colonial Wars in Massachusetts, the New Hampshire Society of the Cincinnati, the Pilgrim Society of Plymouth, the Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Association, the Standish Monument Association, the Old Colony Historical Society, the Order of Colonial Governors, the Yale Club, the Boston City Club, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Order of the Masons, the Congregational church and the Republican party. Meticulous in his personal habits, good-looking and always well-groomed, Bowman was a man of crisp, definite opinions, often curt, blunt and terse. At the same time, he could be courteous, gentlemanly, a favorite of the ladies, and could command the loyalty of friends and associates. Walter M. Pratt, former Governor of Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, wrote a biography of Bowman in 1963, describing him as:
An ideal secretary, businesslike and systematic, with a nervous energy that kept him on the jump and his two stenographers busy ... [George would be remembered for] the great pains and patient labor he gave to historical and genealogical research ... his insistence on accuracy, and his ability to discriminate between dependable and undependable evidence....
During his lifetime, Bowman's control over the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants was absolute. He served as the Society's first and only Secretary until his death in 1941 and performed the duties of the Historian by processing all lineage papers and amassing a genealogical collection that filled more than fifty file drawers. Walter Pratt related that shortly after his own election to the Society in 1917, and finding himself chairman of the nominating committee, he approached Bowman to plead limited knowledge for such a position:
"Not at all," said Mr. Bowman, "Here are some suggestions," and handed over a paper with the complete slate he hoped would be elected. New members seldom argue. I figure Mr. Bowman knew who would be best for the Society, showed the list to the other members of the committee, and we placed the named in nomination. Mr. Bowman at times lacked tact, but he certainly was a clever politician.
Bowman chose his officers from the ranks of the Social Register and Who's Who, saying "It gives the Society desirable publicity." But Pratt claimed he never chose rubber-stamp types. As a rule, Pratt says, Bowman chose business and professional men and women, "who did not hesitate to assert themselves." Underneath it all, however, they were there at the sufferance of Bowman, and while their talents and energies helped Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants to prosper, it was Bowman who stood at the helm.
2. ARTHUR PAYSON DANA, age 41, a lawyer, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1855, son of Charles B. and Phoebe Walker (Payson) Dana. He graduated from Yale in 1878 and was a classmate and close friend of William Howard Taft. He received his law degree from Boston University in 1884 and practiced law in Boston for over fifty years. Arthur lived in Wellesley and the Dana Hall School there was named for his father.
3. MYLES STANDISH, age 45, a physician, was born in Boston in 1851, the eldest child of Francis and Caroline A. ( Rogers) Standish and descendant of the original Myles Standish. He went to Roxbury Latin School and received degrees from Bowdoin before graduating from Harvard Medical School in 1879 and attending the University of Berlin , Germany , 1880-1881. He taught at Dartmouth Medical School for many years and was a professor at Harvard. Standish was connected with various Boston hospitals, such as Carney, Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston City , and Massachusetts General. He was president of the American Ophthalmologic Society and a recognized leader in his specialty, diseases of the eye. He was very involved with the Standish Monument Association in Duxbury until the state took it over, and was the author of the genealogy on his family entitled, The Standishes of America.
4. WINSLOW WARREN, age 58, a lawyer, was born in Plymouth in 1838, son of Winslow and Margaret ( Bartlett) Warren and descendant of Pilgrim Richard Warren . His great-grandfather, General James Warren, was a graduate of Harvard in 1745. Winslow received his AB degree from Harvard in 1858 and an LLB in 1861. He studied law and practiced with the firm of Sidney Bartlett. From 1864 to 1894 he was U.S. Commissioner for Massachusetts, and from 1894 to 1898 he was Collector of the Port of Boston under Grover Cleveland. He resumed his lay practice in 1898 at which time he also became an overseer of Harvard.
5. NATHANIEL UPHAM WALKER, age 41, was born in Concord, NH in 1855, son of Joseph B. and Elizabeth Lord (Upham) Walker. His grandfather, Nathaniel Gookin Upham( Dartmouth 1820) was a jurist on the New Hampshire state supreme court, president of the Concord Railroad, and friend of President Pierce. Nathaniel graduated from Phillips Andover (1873) and Yale (1877) where he was active in athletics, particularly baseball and football. He was on the first Yale team to play Harvard, where he later received his law degree (1880).
6. CHARLES PETER CLARK Jr., age 38, was born in Jamaica Plain, Boston, in 1858, son of incorporator No. 17, Charles Peter Clark, and his wife Caroline Tyler . Clark became president of the Old Colony Railroad, a subsidiary of his father's New Haven Railroad, retiring in 1928 to take a position with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities where he became a bureau chief.
7. HENRY DURFEE POPE, age 60, was born in Clinton, Georgia, in 1836, son of Wilson and Sarah (Eldredge) Pope, and descended from Richard Warren. He was treasurer of the Rice, Kendall Paper Co. until his retirement in 1898.
8. EDWARD LORD CLARK, age 58, was born in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1838, clergyman, son of Peter and Susan (Lord) Clark. His father was a lawyer and treasurer of the Concord Railroad. Edward was ordained a Congregationalist minister in 1861 after graduating from Brown in 1858, and went on to graduate from Andover Theological Seminary in 1863 and receive his DD degree from Williams in 1880. He served as chaplain to the 12 th Massachusetts Volunteers (1861-1866), was pastor of the First Church in North Bridgewater (1863-1866), in New Haven (1867-1873), Presbyterian Church of the Puritans in New York (1873-1893), and the Central Congregational Church in Boston (1893-1902).
9. SOLOMON LORIN KEITH, age 48, a cashier, was born in Bridgewater in 1848, son of Solomon and Maria L. (Parsons) Keith and a descendant of John Alden. Keith was with the Bridgewater Savings Bank for fifty years, serving as treasurer at the time of his death in 1916.
10. NATHAN APPLETON, age 53, a writer, was born in Boston in 1843, son of Nathan and Harriot Coffin (Sumner) Appleton and a descendant of Elder Brewster. His father was a manufacturer (cotton mills), banker and politician who died before young Nathan came of age, leaving a substantial fortune. Nathan graduated from Harvard in 1863 and served with the Fifth Massachusetts Battery during the Civil War, taking part in the battle of Rappahannock Station, the Mine Run, and Wilderness campaigns before being wounded in May 1864. He was present at the surrender of Lee at Appomattox. After the war, Nathan traveled abroad to Russia, Paris, Constantinople, and the Suez, where he assisted in the opening of the Suez Canal. He also became interested in the French attempt to build a Panama canal, acting as French general agent for the canal in the United States.
11. CHARLES WILLIAM GALLOUPE, age 38, a physician, was born in Lynn in 1858, son of Isaac Francis and Lydia D. (Ellis) Galloupe and a descendant of Elder Brewster. He graduated from Harvard with an AB degree in 1879 and then received his MD in 1883. His father was also a graduate of the Harvard Medical School (1849) and practiced in Lynn except during distinguished service in the Civil War. Charles practiced with his father in Lynn until 1892 when he moved to Boston, and he also had military service as assistant surgeon of the Eighth Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia for seven years. He traveled and studied in such places as Paris, Vienna, Budapest , Cairo, England, Norway, Russia, Japan and China.
12. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, age 61, was born in Boston in 1835, son of Charles Francis and Abigail Brown (Brooks) Adams, grandson of U.S. President John Quincy Adams, great-grandson of President John Adams, and descendant of John Alden. His father was minister of the United States to Great Britain 1861-1867. Charles graduated from Harvard in 1856. During the Civil War he served in South Carolina and Virginia with the First Regiment of the Massachusetts Cavalry and the Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry at Point Lookout, Maryland, attaining the rank of Brigadier-General. He then turned his attention to railroads, becoming president of the Union Pacific Railroad Company.
13. GAMALIEL BRADFORD, age 65, was born 1831 in Boston, only son of Gamaliel an Sophia (Rice) Bradford, fifth in a row to bear that name, and a descendant of Governor William Bradford. His father was a physician and had been superintendent of the Massachusetts General Hospital . Gamaliel graduated from Harvard in 1849 at the age Of nineteen and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He entered his cousins' banking House (Blake Brothers and Company) as a clerk and became a partner in 1858. Both He and his father were identified with the anti-slavery movement. During the Civil War he had charge of the foreign exchange department and could not be spared for Military service. He was the founder of the Anti-Imperialist League during the Spanish-American War and announced his candidacy for Governor of Massachusetts in 1897, at the age of 66, but never held public office. He wrote one book, The Lesson of popular Government , in 1898, and his motto was "One Man and One Plan" indicating more power should be placed in the executive branch of government. He died August 20, 1911 from injuries sustained when he was struck by trolley car near his son's home in Wellesley Hills.
14. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS 2d, age 30, a lawyer, was born in 1866 in Quincy, son of John Quincy and Fanny Cadwallader (Crowninshield) Adams, great-grandson of President John Quincy Adams, descendant of John Alden. Charles graduated from Harvard in 1888 (LLB 1892), practiced law for a short while, then served one term as councilman in Quincy and two as mayor of that city. He became directing or controlling head of several banks and large corporations, was treasurer of Harvard for thirty years. A noted yachtsman, Charles also served as Secretary of the Navy (1929-1933) and was instrumental in the success of the London Naval Conference in 1930, which reduced the size of the navies of the signatories.
15. WALTER KENDALL WATKINS, age 41, a genealogist, was born in 1855 in Boston , son of Samuel Augustus and Jeanette C. (Bjornberg) Watkins, descendant of Isaac Allerton and a well-known antiquary, genealogist, and historian. His maternal grandfather was a Swedish officer under Napoleon who marched to Moscow in 1812 and later immigrated to the United States. Watkins graduated from Boston English High School in 1874 and immediately went to work as a clerk in a wood-turning firm. In 1879 he worked for the Photo-Electrotype Company where he collected material for their publication, Antique Views of Boston and became a recognized authority on the history of Boston.
16. GAMALIEL BRADFORD 6th, age 33, was born 1863 in Boston, son of incorporator Gamaliel Bradford and his wife, Clara C. Hinsman, and descendant of Governor Bradford. He entered Harvard with the class of 1886 but was forced out in his freshman year because of his health and spent the rest of his life as a semi-invalid from neurasthenia. Gamaliel became a well-known biographer or "psychograph,"whose biography of General Lee was acclaimed, who wrote such essays, as "Types of American Character," "Confederate Portraits" and "Portraits of Women" and who was considered the father of modern biography.
17. CHARLES PETER CLARK (Sr.), age 60, was born in 1836 in Nashua, New Hampshire, son of Peter and Susan (Lord) Clark, descendant of Elder Brewster. Clark attended Phillips Academy and entered Dartmouth in 1852 but was forced by ill health to leave (he received an honorary degree in 1871). He purchased a ship and engaged in foreign travel, and during the Civil War commanded ironclads in the Mississippi squadron. He entered the railroad business in 1870 and rose to be president and director of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, transforming it into the preeminent transportation system of New England. During Mayor Josiah Quincy (III)'s term, Clark was instrumental in building South Station.
18. MARY ADAMS QUINCY, age 60, was born in 1836 in Boston, daughter of Charles Francis and Abigail Brown (Brooks) Adams, and wife of Henry Parker Quincy. Mary was the first of the eight women incorporators to sign the articles of agreement, And, as with most of the others, it is very hard to find biographical information on her. Her obituary mentions only her descent from the presidents. Her husband was the son of anti-slavery author, Edmund Quincy, and grandson of Josiah Quincy (I), Mayor of Boston. Henry was a prominent physician of Boston and Dedham, and he was an instructor at the Harvard Medical School until shortly before his death in 1899.
19. MARCUS MORTON, age 34, lawyer, was born in 1862 in Andover, son of Marcus and Abby Bowler (Hoppin) Morton and descendant of William Bradford. Morton was a classmate of the Bowmans at Yale, after which he studied two years at the Harvard Law School and entered a law office in Boston, before being admitted to the Bar in 1886. He ran for governor 16 times, winning the office twice. In 1909, he was appointed judge of the Superior Court of Massachusetts for life. His father had held the same appointment from 1859 to 1869 and was on the state Supreme Court from 1869-1890, serving as Chief Justice from 1882. His grandfather, also named Marcus Morton, was on the Supreme Court bench from 1825 to 1840, when he resigned to become Governor of Massachusetts. Marcus Mortons served as judges in the Massachusetts courts for a total of 76 years in the span of three lives from 1784 to 1939.
20. ELLEN SEVER HALE, age 61, was born in 1835 in Kingston, daughter of John and Anna (Dana) Sever, descendant of Edward Winslow, widow of the Rev. Theodore Tebetts of Rochester, New Hampshire, and wife of George Sylsby Hale. Her father was a country-store keeper who "sold Daniel Webster his rum in Plymouth County, Mass." Her first husband was a graduate of Harvard in 1851 and died in 1863. Her second husband was the son of the Hon. Salma Hale, author of Hales' History of the U.S., member of Congress from New Hampshire and loser to Daniel Webster in the famous " Dartmouth College" case. George S. Hale was a graduate of Harvard in 1844 and practiced law in Boston. He was solicitor for the Boston and Worcester Railroad, the Boston and Albany, and others.
21. LENA FARRINGTON CUSHMAN, age 40, was born in 1856 in Auburn, Maine, daughter of Enoch Chandler and Mary Eliza (Seabury) Farrington, descendant of John Alden, and wife of incorporator Charles Livingston Cushman. Mrs. Cushman was the only woman to list an occupation on her membership papers: "Care of my family." She and her husband were also the only married couple among the incorporators.
22. CHARLES LIVINGSTON CUSHMAN, age 39, born 1857 in West Minot, Maine, son of Ara and Julia W. (Morse) Cushman, descendant of Isaac Allerton and husband of incorporator Lena Farrington Cushman. They resided in Auburn, Maine, where he was listed as a superintendent in the 1896 city directory.
23. LUCRETIA SMITH REMICK, age 40, was born in 1856 in Chelsea, daughter of John Gilman and Elizabeth W. (Smith) Pillsbury, descendant of John Alden, and wife of John Anthony Remick. On her mother's side she was first-cousin-once-removed to the wife (Mary Alden Osgood) of Irish Revolution hero, Robert Erskine Childers, and twice-removed to his son, Erskine Hamilton Childers, who became President of Ireland.
24. ELEANOR ARMISTEAD APPLETON, age 24, was born in 1872 in Paris, daughter of William Sumner and Edith (Stuart) Appleton, descendant of James Chilton. She was the youngest incorporator. Her father was "numismatist, and genealogist, of Boston," and her brother was William Sumner Appleton, who founded the Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities. Eleanor later married Lt. Col. Robert H.F. Standen, a British Army officer, and resided in Kent, England, and Marseilles, France.
25. ELINOR CURTIS, age 27, was born in Boston in 1869, daughter of Greeley Stevenson and Harriot (Appleton) Curtis, descendant of James Chilton. Her father was a Lt. Colonel in the Massachusetts cavalry during the Civil War and an engineer in Boston. Elinor later married Charles Hopkinson who painted the portraits of Harvard presidents Eliot, Lowell and Conant; of Calvin Coolidge and Oliver Wendell Holmes. His works hang in the White House, the National Gallery of Art, Fogg Museum at Harvard, etc.
26. MARY RIVERS, age 56, was born in 1840 in Providence, daughter of George and Geraldine (Russell) Rivers, and a descendant of Richard Warren. Her mother's brother, Henry Wheaton, was a distinguished writer on international law and U.S. minister at Berlin. Mary was a long-time resident of Milton and was deeply interested in historical research and genealogical matters. She lived in the " Russell Place," which was once a residence of Governor Hutchinson.
27. AUSTIN LORD BOWMAN, age 35, a civil engineer, was born 1861 in Manchester, New Hampshire, son of George Augustus and Ernestine (Lord) Bowman, descendant of William Brewster, and brother of George Ernest Bowman. Austin graduated from Yale in the same class with his brother (1883). He became involved in railroad engineering and construction work for the Hartford & Harlem, the Minnesota & Northwestern, and the Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City railroads, among others. He took part in the construction of the Kings County Elevated railroad in Brooklyn and in 1896 was the superintendent for the Federal government on the construction of the snag boat, Roanoke. Austin received second prize in the Montreal Bridge Company's world-wide competition for a design for a bridge over the St. Lawrence River in Montreal.
28. EMILY MARSHALL MORISON, age 39, was born in 1857 in Hartford, daughter of Samuel and Emily Marshall (Otis) Eliot, descendant of Bradford, wife of John H. Morison, and mother of historian Samuel Eliot Morison. Emily's father was a well-known "historian, educator, philanthropist" of Boston. Her son's autobiography, One Boy's Boston 1887-1901, is a literate explanation of the lifestyle of the type of people who founded Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants. Although the Mayflower Society is not mentioned in the book, Morison notes that his grandmother, Emily Marshall (Otis) (granddaughter of Harrison Gray Otis) "... also went in for patriotic societies, such as the Colonial Dames, and the D.A.R. (then in its innocent heyday); and for these she took a great deal of teasing in the family..." [mostly for the gusto with which these dames planned their dinner meetings and menus].
29. FRANCIS RUSSELL STODDARD, age 52, occupation "nothing at present," was born at Plymouth in 1844, the son of Isaac N. and Martha LeBaron (Thomas) Stoddard, and a descendant of Governor Bradford. Stoddard graduated from Harvard (AB 1866, AM 1870) and became Deputy Collector of the Boston City Treasurer's department from 1869 until 1875, when he was appointed Cashier and Assistant Collector of the City of Boston, which post he held until 1896. He then turned to banking and brokerage until 1898, when he was elected Treasurer of the Sherwood Manufacturing Company in Buffalo, New York, then went on to New York City and became involved in banking there.
30. EDWIN SHEPARD BARRETT. Barrett was dropped from the rolls in January of 1897 for failing to file proofs of lineage. He had been elected an Assistant in March of 1896 and was active in the early Board meetings, including being one of the committee appointed to consider the establishment of a General Society. In 1897 he was president of the state chapter of the S.A.R., of which Nathan Appleton was one of the vice presidents, and Bowman was president of the Boston Chapter. His obituary in 1928 notes he was one of the first permanent letter-carriers in Somerville in 1873, and that his family homestead in that town was an original landmark.