The Mayflower Descendant PDFs of every past issue (to 2014) are now available for sale in our store. Extensive indexes have also been uploaded and are free of charge! Some issues are also available in hard copy. You can buy by volume (one year's worth of issues, sometimes 4, sometimes 2, depending on the year) or by individual issue. 

NEHGS is publishing THE MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT from 2014 forward. Read the press release

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History of the Mayflower Descendant

The Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants has published its genealogical scholarly journal, The Mayflower Descendant, since 1899. Created by George Ernest Bowman, founder of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants and the father of Mayflower genealogy, the journal focused on transcriptions or abstracts of original records that were not available to the general public. Many important documents have been preserved in text and photos within the pages of the journal, allowing countless researchers to enjoy the rich resources found within its pages.

In early 2015 MSMD reviewed options for the best possible stewardship of this journal and engaged in a ten-year agreement with the New England Historic Genealogical Society to publish The Mayflower Descendant. Publication is twice a year, and continues the tradition of high genealogical scholarship focused on the Mayflower passengers, the towns they founded, their extended families, and their eventual migration away from Plymouth Colony.

MSMD Board of Assistants member Polly FitzGerald Kimmitt, Certified Genealogist® serves on the Editorial Board as Consulting Editor, providing a liaison between MSMD and NEHGS. There is no institution better qualified than NEHGS to maintain the high standards George Ernest Bowman put in place so many years ago. We know our members will enjoy seeing this new iteration of our journal come to fruition.

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