This is a downloadable PDF copy of this issue of Mayflower Descendant, Here is a list of articles contained in this issue.
Table of Contents
Message from the New Editor, by Caleb H. Johnson
The Brewster Book Returns, by Caleb H. Johnson, Simon Neal, and Jim W. Baker
The Marriage and Children of Elizabeth2 Winslow, by Caleb H. Johnson
Pilgrim Robert Cushman's Book: The Cry of A Stone, by Michael R. Paulick
Canterbury Cathderal: Cushman Libels of 1603, by Michael R. Paulick and Simon Neal
A Robert Cushman Deposition: Canterbury, 1605, by Simon Neal
William Brewster and Richard Jackson of Scrooby, by Jeremy D. Bangs
Famous Mayflower Descendants: William Jennings Bryan, by Gary Boyd Roberts
Famous Mayflower Descendants: John B. Stetson, by Christopher Challendar Child
Additions and Corrections to Mayflower Families, by various contributors
The Lost Property Deed of John5 Standish, by Caleb H. Johnson
Documents in the High Court of Admiralty: Stevens and Fell vs. Little James (1623) transcriptions, by Simon Neal
Bristol County Court of General Sessions, 1702-1714, by Helen Schatvet Ullmann
Book Reviews, by Caleb H. Johnson and Scott Andrew Bartley